Daily Devotional

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "no" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…” Titus 2:11-12

The grace which justifies is the grace which sanctifies. Sanctification is all of grace. It is initiated
by grace, performed by grace, and perfected by grace. It requires our cooperation as saints, but
even our cooperation is made possible by the divine spring of God’s amazing grace.

Too often today Christians insult the grace of God by viewing it merely as a car wash. But God’s
grace is far more than that. It’s more like a mechanic that can repair what’s broken and make
your car as good as new. God’s grace doesn’t merely wash away our sin, it transforms us so we
can overcome sin! It doesn’t just make us look good; it helps us be good.

My favorite definition of grace comes from James Strong. He described it as: “the divine
influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life.” In other words, God’s grace is active,
not passive. It’s the dynamic transforming power of God’s unmerited favor operating in our
lives. Scripture says it teaches us (Tit 2:12), strengthens us (2Tim 2:1), equips us for ministry
(Rom 12:6), and enables us to abound in every good work: “God is able to make all grace
abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in
every good work” (2Cor 9:8).

For this reason, we should seek to position ourselves in such a way that we can receive as much
grace as possible in our lives, and one of the ways we do that is by appropriating the means of
grace God has given us.

Some people shy away from the term “means of grace” because Roman Catholicism has
associated it with the sacraments and taught that they are necessary for salvation. In other
words, faith plus the means of grace = salvation. We reject such an idea categorically, knowing
that we are justified by faith alone apart from any good works on our part (Rom 3:28).

But the fact is the Bible is full of examples of means of grace – ways in which God gives us the
daily grace we need to grow and mature as followers of Christ.

Here are some of the means of grace God uses to sanctify us:
  • ï‚· Scripture (Jn 17:17; Act 20:32)
  • ï‚· Prayer (Heb 4:16)
  • ï‚· Ministering to one other (Rom 12:4-8)
  • ï‚· Giving (2Cor 8:7)
  • ï‚· Trials (2Cor 12:9)
  • ï‚· Humility (Jas 4:6)

Are you appropriating the means of grace that God has given you to help you grow?

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