Posts with the tag “karon-cecy”

Daily Devotional
July 18th, 2024
I hear it coming…. a quiet tremble, then a screaming rumble! A shocking boom follows it and then the violent shaking begins. Next, I hear the crashing of items thrown off the counters and watch the ch...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
July 3rd, 2024
It was a peaceful moment.  My mom was gently teaching me to float on my back in the river. With me in tow, she walked on the riverbed backwards. All of a sudden, my mom unexpectedly fell into a deep h...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 7th, 2024
As a young adult, walking into a church for the first time, I felt intimidated. Up to that point, I worked hard at being invisible to people—always quiet and very much in the background. As a new beli...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 24th, 2024
1 Thessalonians 5:11 - “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.”Romans 12:9 - “…give preference to one another in honor…”I come from a long line of First ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 9th, 2024
My heart was moved by the description in Genesis of Jacob’s move to Egypt. Jacob was shocked to learn his son Joseph, who he thought was dead, was, in fact, alive and the most powerful ruler in Egypt ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 26th, 2024
Our first home was a quaint cabin-like house in the woods of Felton, California. I loved many things about this house. It sat in the center of the horseshoe-shaped lane called Lazywoods.In the front y...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 11th, 2024
There is so much food for meditation in this event, but I am struck today with one question after reading this: Why did God tell Noah to build the Ark?  God could have built it. After all, He made the...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 27th, 2024
When I was thirty-five years old something happened that changed my perspective forever about my devotion to God.One morning I felt convicted about giving God my leftovers of time for prayer, worship,...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 14th, 2024
There is nothing that prepares you for a natural disaster.  Oh yes, you can stock up on food and always have water accessible in your house and car. However, the emotional stress and sorrow of being i...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 1st, 2024
Traveling is not easy. Beyond the airport hassles, lost luggage, and exhausting ministry schedule comes the challenge of maintaining a regular eating schedule.In my experience:Europeans have a heavy b...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 16th, 2024
One day it finally happened! In reading through the Bible, I now arrived at Leviticus. In the past, I found great difficulty reading this particular book. Consequently, I decided to pray and ask the H...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 2nd, 2024
My window to the world is opened up through the power of the internet. Once again, I wait patiently for my ministry friend to log on. How amazing it is that I can connect with someone in Bucharest, Ro...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
December 29th, 2023
What do you do when you wake up with a feeling of anticipation that something important is going to happen today?  Fear and uneasiness seeps in.  Overwhelmed by the magnitude of unexplained change…the...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
November 17th, 2023
I was delighted when my new husband felt called by God to become a pastor. My husband and I had no idea what was ahead. Both of us were late converts. As we stepped into the role as leaders we were wo...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
November 2nd, 2023
My window to the world is opened up through the power of the internet. Once again, I wait patiently for my ministry friend to log on. How amazing it is that I can connect with someone in Bucharest, Ro...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 20th, 2023
Many times, God uses what has happened in my past or present to drive home a lesson He wants me to learn.This week, God took me back to the time my daughters were little. My daughter stumbled into the...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 10th, 2023
One night I woke up at 2am with a start!  A thought struck me, “I should do a Bible Study for my grandkids.” Musing on the thought I drifted back to sleep. In the morning I awoke thinking about my 2am...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 5th, 2023
Both sides of my family were embroiled on opposite sides in that tragic, American Civil War which was fought April 12, 1861–May 26, 1865.  Here I am today a descendent of the North and the South. On m...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
September 21st, 2023
A hero is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as “A person admired for achievements and noble qualities. One who shows great courage.” Who are the heroes in your life? Perhaps a favorite Bible character, ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
September 7th, 2023
My sister Marsha and I were raised in a home with a mentally ill mother. Our mother was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. She refused medication. Consequently, my sister and I grew up in a volati...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
August 24th, 2023
There are some images that will stick in my mind forever.  One of those images is my dear husband lying on his back next to our foster daughter under the coffee table.  He was talking softly to her as...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
August 10th, 2023
There we were at the Department of Motor Vehicles—no one’s favorite place! It was one of those times, as an eighteen-year-old cop’s daughter, I felt the pressure. I adored my Dad and wanted to him so ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
July 28th, 2023
I don’t know whose idea it was—my sister Marsha’s or mine. She was eleven years and I was thirteen. Our house was situated on two and a half acres. We decided to create a village under the giant cypre...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
July 14th, 2023
Sleep captures me every night. I can drink coffee, sing or watch a movie to delay sleep, but sleep will come over me like a fog rolling into a valley. Sleep always wins. God gave us this turn-off swit...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 29th, 2023
Our seminary days were a real financial strain. While he studied full-time to seminary, I worked full-time. Besides living expenses, the tuition for seminary put our budget to the test. Jim worked bet...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 15th, 2023
We see in the Scriptures that hospitality is commanded by God, especially for church leaders (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8). But what is hospitality? Quite literally it means to be “a lover of strangers.”...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 29th, 2023
UGH, I have ignored this walk-in kitchen supply closet long enough. Whenever I try to find something, an item crashes onto the floor. I stuff it anywhere it can fit. Balanced on the edge, it is ready ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 19th, 2023
One evening I was leading a Bible Study for young women in my home. One of the women shared that the Bible she carried belonged to her mother who had passed away. Flipping through her mother’s Bible, ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 5th, 2023
Growing up in a home with a schizophrenic mother, I learned to be silent. The less I said, the better. Consequently, this protective shell of silence became my norm. People called me shy; I felt it wa...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 20th, 2023
I have always looked for teachable moments with my kids with the goal of creating a hunger and thirst for God. One day a lesson came in a most unexpected way. It had been storming for a few days as th...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 5th, 2023
I spent many years as an executive secretary. (Now they call them Assistants). I was eventually able to type sixty-six words a minute and was also quite adept at shorthand at 110 words per minute. To ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 22nd, 2023
Oh, how I enjoy my chickens!  When I step out of the house and head for the chicken coop they jump up and down, dancing for joy! Of course, they know I am coming with treats!  I open the top half of t...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 8th, 2023
Growing up in a cop’s home, protection was always a topic of conversation.  My Dad was the Chief of Detectives in Santa Cruz County. He had built a reputation of integrity and strong leadership which ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 23rd, 2023
One Christmas season we prayed as a family for an opportunity to minister to someone who really needed us.  As an emergency foster care family, we were fully aware of how many kids needed foster homes...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 10th, 2023
I loved our new apartment!  As newlyweds, we were so delighted with our new apartment.  Yes, it was humble, with thread-bare carpet, but we were grateful for it.  We were poor and grateful for our hum...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
December 30th, 2022
My emergency foster care placements were two lovely teenagers. The minute they stepped into our house, I knew they were afraid.  Their fearful eyes and the way they hung on to each other declared thei...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
November 18th, 2022
It is awfully quiet in here... Moving down the hall into the living room, I glance at the clock over the fireplace. I turn and behold my three-year-old daughter stands framed in the kitchen doorway li...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
November 4th, 2022
On the way to visit family in Santa Cruz, I asked my husband, Jim to stop at the small Baptist Church where I accepted Christ many years ago.  We park and are greeted by the Pastor who agrees to let m...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 21st, 2022
Many times, God uses what has happened in my past or present to drive home a lesson He wants me to learn.This week, God took me back to the time my daughters were little. My daughter stumbled into the...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 5th, 2022
Antique auctions were great fun for me!  I would bid on antique treasures, restore them and sell them making a good profit.  I remember the day I first saw the piece of furniture that now lives in my ...  Read More
by Karon Cecy