Posts with the tag “pastor-michael-hammond”

Daily Devotional
June 25th, 2024
Who do you trust? Who is someone that you absolutely know will have your back no matter what? When considering those questions I have several people that pop into my head and I hope you have some too....  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
June 14th, 2024
In this story found in 1 Kings 19 the prophet Elijah is told to go stand on a mountain and wait for God to pass by. There’s a huge, powerful wind that comes, followed by an earthquake, and then fire b...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
May 27th, 2024
Like most kids growing up, I had chores that I was expected to do. There were some that were always the same and some that came up sporadically. There were some that I didn’t mind doing and some that ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
May 14th, 2024
My wife and I have been doing a lot of puzzles recently. This may or may not seem like a perfectly normal thing to you, but for me it is highly abnormal. I don’t know why but I’ve never liked puzzles....  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
April 29th, 2024
What draws you to come into God’s presence? I know for me it depends on the day and what’s going on in my life or the lives of those around me. Sometimes I come into His presence because I need someth...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
April 15th, 2024
My wife and I are just about a month away from celebrating our 17th anniversary. Last year for our anniversary we decided to see a concert and purchased tickets for the event. The really good seats we...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
February 5th, 2024
I sometimes look at the commands and scripture and wonder, “How am I supposed to do that?” This is one of those examples. Give thanks in ALL circumstances?! How am I supposed to do that?! Let’s face i...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
January 1st, 2024
January 1st is a unique day. There are eleven other “firsts” in the year that all signify a new month, but only January 1st does double duty of also signifying a New Year. This wasn’t always the job o...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
November 20th, 2023
Words are interesting. What we think something means isn’t always really what it means. That’s the case here in Exodus 2:24. It might seem strange to think that God “remembered” His covenant. Does tha...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
November 6th, 2023
A couple years back we were on a vacation in Southern California. While down there we made a trip to the beach. We walked out on the pier and watched the surfers in the water below. Some were doing am...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
October 23rd, 2023
Sin rarely seems like it happens overnight. Sure, a sinful act happens in a moment, but there’s always a backstory, there’s always more to it than just the individual act. Sinful action is the symptom...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
October 9th, 2023
Recently, my family went to a Rend Collective concert. If you’re not familiar with them, they are a great worship band from Ireland. We were all excited to hear one of our favorite bands and couldn’t ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
September 25th, 2023
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “courage”? When I was in high school some of my friends and I had the great idea to go climb a local radio tower. We waited till it was night and drove o...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
September 11th, 2023
I still remember exactly where I was on September 11th, 2001. I was in my bedroom at my parent’s house. My mom ran into my room and told me about what had happened. I remember being confused and not u...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
August 28th, 2023
Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894. What is now viewed as the unofficial end of summer was originally meant to provide a small break in the average worker's life. 1894 was a vastly different w...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
August 14th, 2023
Recently my wife and kids traveled back to our hometown to visit my wife’s parents. This meant for four days I had to see if I could survive on my own. Luckily, my wife is a very considerate person an...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
August 14th, 2023
Recently my wife and kids traveled back to our hometown to visit my wife’s parents. This meant for four days I had to see if I could survive on my own. Luckily, my wife is a very considerate person an...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
July 31st, 2023
I proposed to my wife Megan when I was 20 and she was 18. Our proposal story involves a rainstorm, a Turkish sandwich, and an 800-year-old castle in Germany. But that’s not the story I want to share t...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
July 17th, 2023
In 1810 a man named Peter Durand filed a patent for the tin can for food storage. Before that, there was really no reliable way to store and preserve food. This one invention changed the food industry...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
July 3rd, 2023
On July 3rd, 1776, John Adams wrote a letter to his wife Abigail with the following quote, “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to belie...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
June 19th, 2023
In my office, I have a whiteboard on my wall that I rely on quite a bit to help me stay organized. Usually, I’ll list out all the things I need to do in different categories and then cross them out on...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
June 5th, 2023
If you read through the Old Testament book of Judges, you will see the nation of Israel engage in a cyclical pattern where they engage in sin, are then punished for that sin, repent and cry out to God...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
May 25th, 2023
If you google “pursue” you will get the following definition, “follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.” That certainly has a negative connotation to it. A secondary definition ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
May 8th, 2023
More and more I wonder about the things I get angry about. There is certainly righteous anger, and there is sinful anger, but sometimes I wonder if there’s a third category; sometimes I wonder if I’m ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
April 24th, 2023
I long ago gave up the hope that I would always understand the ways of God. Time and time again I see things that make little sense to me with my earthly vantage point and yet somehow make perfect sen...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
April 10th, 2023
I grew up near a small town called Grass Valley. It started as a gold mining town and still has a historic downtown area. I spent a lot of time walking up and down these streets over the years. When m...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
March 27th, 2023
I don’t have much of a green thumb so sowing and reaping is not something that I have a lot of experience with. I certainly appreciate those who have a knack for growing things, especially those thing...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
March 13th, 2023
I’ve always been someone who has a lot of questions. When I was in first grade the teacher gave out awards to all the students at the end of the year. I was the recipient of the “Most Inquisitive” awa...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
February 27th, 2023
I love how clearly the Bible states things. Let’s be honest, we all sin and fall short. We often try to hide our shortcomings from each other and might want to pretend we have it all figured out, but ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
February 13th, 2023
Does anyone want a beverage that is supposed to be hot or cold to instead be lukewarm? If I want a cup of ice-cold lemonade, I don’t want it to be lukewarm. If I want a cup of hot coffee, I don’t want...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
January 30th, 2023
As a child, I always thought the “armor of God” sounded like the coolest thing. If you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, a knight would have been pretty high on the list. When I read ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
January 2nd, 2023
When my wife and I were newly married we heard some advice that has made a huge impact in our relationship. The advice was to try to out-serve each other. It’s a simple shift of mindset, but it makes ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
November 21st, 2022
My wife and I are not Fresno natives. We both grew up in the Sierra Nevada Foothills. Usually we tell people “The Sacramento area” because that’s the nearest major city. We actually lived in a small t...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
November 7th, 2022
I first read through the book of Judges when I was about 18 years old. Before that I had heard some of the stories, mostly ones about Gideon and Samson, but I had never read the book in its entirety. ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
October 24th, 2022
I love a good story. I love hearing stories and I love telling them. This is no doubt why I appreciate the way Jesus told stories to make a spiritual point. Whether short or long, Jesus’ stories are a...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
October 10th, 2022
Sometimes I think of the great difficulties others have faced and feel my own difficulties pale in comparison. The other side of that coin is to look at some difficulties that others face and think th...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
September 26th, 2022
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much above our understanding God is. It’s tempting sometimes to look at parts of the Bible or even at the world in general and think “I would have done things...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
September 12th, 2022
Sometimes the Bible has commands that seem impossible. I don’t consider myself a particularly selfish person (does anyone?) but when I think about doing NOTHING from a self-seeking standpoint, I feel ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
August 29th, 2022
I’m the youngest of five children and I come from a fairly competitive family. Game nights were always entertaining, if not for the game themselves then for the great lengths we’d go to try to win. Ev...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond
Daily Devotional
August 15th, 2022
I do not have a green thumb…at all. I don’t think I’ve ever kept a plant alive my entire life. Any greenery that we have around our house is solely due to my wife’s persistence and dedication. I can m...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Hammond