Posts with the tag “pastor-greg-warmerdam”

Daily Devotional
July 16th, 2024
I did not want to go. I really did not want to say what was in my heart. But it had to be done. It was the day and the hour. So I went. I had a word with the older, respected man in the church. He was...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
July 2nd, 2024
Life is really uneven. Six years after my salvation, I was called to pastor a small church. While there were ups and downs, it was mostly a marvelous experience, high and holy! But by 15 years later i...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
June 18th, 2024
Lynn and I were married in 1969. In the 5½ decades since that time we have had experiences beyond counting. We have owned six houses, and lived in at least seven other apartments or rental houses. I h...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
June 4th, 2024
A couple of decades back I prepared a surprise for Lynn. A work she would not have believed if told. In cooperation with my brother Mark from Pleasanton I bought a newer car for her, on the sly, as a ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
May 22nd, 2024
In the fall of 1977 the Lord said to me that I should begin reading His word daily. I had never read the Bible, had only owned one for about a year. I had been born again through faith in Jesus, and h...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
May 7th, 2024
My brother says he did not preplan it. At the moment I asked to borrow his golf clubs, he was inspired to extract a bargain from me: the use of his clubs for reading a book he would give me. He did a ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
April 24th, 2024
As I write this, I am on my second stretch of waiting to have a pacemaker put in. Because of COVID, what was a three-month wait has become of five-month wait.While waiting I prayerfully planned a way ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
April 9th, 2024
Jesus had healed blind Bartimaeus. He had gone into Jerusalem in a processional on a donkey, a celebration fitting for a king. He had done His wild cleansing of the temple, knocking things over and dr...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
March 26th, 2024
I once traveled with another pastor, “sojourned” with him. Our trip took us across the US to a state on the east coast. We attended a church conference there, which turned out to be a blessed experien...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
March 12th, 2024
I write this devotional on day five. It is the fifth day of our confinement, per the instructions for those who have COVID. Lynn and I both tested positive earlier this week. This COVID invasion happe...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
February 27th, 2024
In my final year of coaching high school basketball, we were leading the league late in the year. It had been a long 7 years in rebuilding the program at Reedley HS. The league was strong, with usuall...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
February 13th, 2024
I grew up on a farm on the outskirts of the city of Fresno. In addition to the 10 acres of peaches, my dad farmed in between teaching school teaching and coaching demands, each of us kids got our own ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
January 31st, 2024
The last time I saw my sister, Gloria, she was sleeping heavily on a hospital bed in the house of her son, Shawn. We waited on her for a time. We touched her shoulder and greeted her verbally, saying ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
December 28th, 2023
When is the best week of the year? It is this week, Dec 25–31! It has long been my favorite. Why? Many reasons, not the least of which is that my birthday, Dec 28, always falls exactly in the middle, ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
November 14th, 2023
I told Lynn I was going to go for a walk, which was only part of the truth. It was a Sunday. We had taken a trip to So Cal to visit Lynn’s relatives. It was our first trip overnight together. We staye...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 31st, 2023
I read a short story once called "The Monkey’s Paw" by W. W. Jacobs. Three wishes are granted to the owner of a particular monkey’s paw.  But while the wishes are granted as requested, terrible and tr...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 17th, 2023
Within a few months of my salvation, I became very zealous for all to receive what I had.  How many church goers, like I had been, did not even know about getting saved?  I did some street witnessing....  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 3rd, 2023
I was trained as a teacher and a coach.  It took six years to complete a BA, and an MA and secure a teaching credential.  Trained in physical education, biology, and coaching basketball.  Six years, p...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
September 19th, 2023
Let us not get too smug about the knowledge of God we possess.  It is my God, and yours, who appeared to Ezekiel in glory—a compelling and overwhelming vision.  Not too long after, he received these i...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
September 5th, 2023
We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout! (Song: "Jackson").  Lynn and I did.  August 1969.  It’s still hot!  As a country we were fighting a war across the ocean we were not willing to ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
August 22nd, 2023
How glib we can become.  We are privileged in these New Testament times.  We are bidden to come waltzing into God’s presence, and we do, in shorts and a t-shirt with flip-flops, and talk casually with...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
July 25th, 2023
When I was pretty little, I realized I had a small bald spot.  It is on the left side of my head, in the hair at the temple.  I worried often about that.  I did not want to look weird to other people....  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
July 11th, 2023
I found myself in need recently.  I was awake in bed for 3 hours.  I finally got up at 4 am, quietly so as not to awaken Lynn.  I could not do my normal read the Bible and pray pattern.  I was in too ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
June 27th, 2023
Faith Goes OutLynn had to go to the dentist this morning, the day I wrote this.  She could have stayed home.  She could have told herself it was too hard.  There might be pain. They might find things ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
June 13th, 2023
When Lynn and I returned to Fresno after a 28-year absence, we came back as different people.  We were now among the redeemed of the Lord, having been birthed through faith in Jesus Christ.  I left as...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
May 31st, 2023
Some years back, I was up in the mountains in the Kings Canyon area. I was reading this passage, meditating on it and praying during a time of drawing apart with Jesus. I was walking on a rough kind o...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
May 16th, 2023
Once in awhile I like to go to an oldies’ car show.  Lynn and I got an opportunity to do so that fit, so we went to Kingsburg last Saturday.  We purchased a couple of drinks and a cookie from Kuppa Jo...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
May 2nd, 2023
I recently had my grandson over to help me with some work in the backyard.  We were replacing 180 sq. ft. of overhead lattice.  There was an area on the fascia board of the house which had a tangle of...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
April 18th, 2023
I started my day early.  I had an appointment at Kaiser Hospital.  While it was only for a blood test, the hospital world is always a little foreboding! It seems a negative.  But the truth is, the blo...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
April 4th, 2023
Barry McGuire came to our church to speak and sing 2-3 times in Reedley. He tells the story of encountering Arthur Blessit at a gathering.  Barry was partying when Blessit looked at him and spoke to h...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
March 21st, 2023
It’s raining.  My list of things to do this Saturday is long.  Yesterday I was bummed, just thinking of having to buy a new laptop (mine 8 years old, operating system outdated).  I have other tasks wh...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
March 7th, 2023
Thus is my soul this morning.  It waits on God.  It yearns to connect with Him alone.  I wish for a “faith capsule” in which to function all the day; that in that capsule I would hear one voice alone,...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
February 21st, 2023
We made a plan for a trip for my birthday, to go to Pacific Grove.  When we reminded our daughter the day before that we were going, she said, “Oh no!  It’s going to be raining all day!”  I told her I...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
February 7th, 2023
I drove away from home, to get out and get some perspective. When I need spiritual clarity, it often starts for me by getting away. Away from the house. Away from the city. When I see the mountains an...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
December 27th, 2022
Who are we in Christ?  Who is He to us?  There are a lot of descriptions.  Sometimes we are warriors, and stand and fight. Sometimes we run, and escape to the Lord as our stronghold.  Sometimes we are...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
November 14th, 2022
This was the outcome of God dealing with His people.  He had called to them many times.  They would not hear.  After many decades He scattered them with a whirlwind.  They were sent away to live in a ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
November 1st, 2022
I want to get some landscaping cobblestones for my yard, for a project I am working on in my front yard.  I have been hiring my grandson, Connor, to help me with that project.  He is 15 years old, and...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 18th, 2022
Back in August I had a “blast of faith” one morning, empowering me to believe that the week ahead of me was the week to accomplish building the Grandparenting Summit service teams, to accomplish all t...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 4th, 2022
I awakened softly, curled up under the warmth of the covers.  I found myself wrapped gently with the Lord’s love, with His presence.  I lingered, relishing the moment, seeking to grasp His presence.  ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
September 21st, 2022
I headed out about 7am, from home.  It was my Monday “get away with the Lord” morning.  I did not tell Lynn where I was going, because I did not know myself!  I had reviewed several destinations in my...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam