Posts with the tag “mike-bergman”

Daily Devotional
July 25th, 2024
Are you in a dark place right now? Are you hurting, in pain, sick, or weary? Are you seeking wisdom for a difficult situation? Do you simply not know where to go or what to do? This verse provides som...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
July 11th, 2024
This is one of those verses that for me when I read it, I can easily think, yeah I can do that. But then someone wrongs me, and my thoughts immediately turn to revenge. I think it’s a primitive view o...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
June 27th, 2024
This is a powerful verse, a convicting verse, and the answer to anyone who asks, “Do I need a savior?” The answer to that question is of course a very solid YES. The great equalizer among humans is th...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
June 10th, 2024
Have you ever heard the “christian” phrase tossed out that “God will not give you more than you can handle?” I think it is actually a very common belief and yet it is not correct. Like all lies from t...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
May 30th, 2024
Hope, that is what this verse speaks to me. It is a hope for the future, that there will be an end to all the misery and pain, the sorrow and death, and all the other realities of this life on this si...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
May 16th, 2024
Having been a Christian for many many years, it always does me well to come back to some of the fundamentals of the faith. Pastor Jim often speaks of the basic tenets we know as salvation in Christ al...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
May 2nd, 2024
These days it is not uncommon to hear the Christian walk being touted as nothing but a prosperous one. God is love and wants the best for you so everything will always be ok. If you are really walking...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
April 17th, 2024
On Monday, April 8, the United States experienced a total solar eclipse, and while for us here in California it wasn’t very exciting, for those in the path of “totality” the sky went dark in the middl...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
April 3rd, 2024
We just celebrated Easter last week and in the midst of the celebration and joy that we experience in our church services, it can be easy to forget just how dark the world is becoming around us. Howev...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
March 20th, 2024
I don’t think anyone likes the feeling of being wrong, or the feeling of guilt having done something wrong. So much so that often our first instinct when confronted about something we have done is to ...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
March 8th, 2024
As I read around this verse for context I was struck by how many truths we often recite as Christians are nestled within Romans chapter 8. I would implore you to read the entire chapter today and real...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
February 22nd, 2024
Have you ever stopped to really contemplate the mercy of God? Our Pastor has often said “If God were to stamp out all sin at midnight, there would be no one left at 12:01.” And how true that statement...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
February 7th, 2024
This verse popped up today and I found it very appropriate as I am currently going through the jury selection process known as voir dire as part of jury duty, something I think most of us dread. What ...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
January 3rd, 2024
It is now 2024, and a new year has dawned and with it, all the hope and promise that a new start typically brings. However, we cannot deny the fact that while great things may lie in store for us in t...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
November 22nd, 2023
Anywhere in this world I think, but especially here in America it is easy to lose sight of the eternal while chasing after the material and temporel. As Christians we are called to follow the cause of...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
November 8th, 2023
If you had to pick the darkest day of the year, spiritually speaking what would it be? For me, I would say October 31st, All Hallows Eve, or Halloween, as we know it would be a top contender. It is th...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
October 25th, 2023
As the world seems to descend further into darkness around us, I think it is timely to remember that we as Christians were not guaranteed an easy or prosperous life here on earth. Rather we have actua...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
October 12th, 2023
Living on earth it is often easy to forget about higher things, heavenly things. We can get lost in the trivial, in our day-to-day lives, and focus only on what we can see with our own eyes. This vers...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
September 14th, 2023
Have you thanked God for anything lately? How about today? While there is so much pain, hurt, and trouble around us in the world today there is still plenty to be thankful for. And that is how we shou...  Read More
by Mike Bergman
Daily Devotional
August 30th, 2023
This verse comes in the middle of a passage, verse 12–17, describing the character of the “new person in Christ.” I would encourage you to read the whole passage as a reminder of what our life should ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
August 17th, 2023
This is another verse that cuts the legs out from under the “I’m a good person” argument for why someone thinks they will get into heaven without Jesus. There are plenty of things that we do throughou...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
August 2nd, 2023
Working in the Church office we will occasionally get people calling in with theological questions and as staff, we will do our best to help sort them out. One of these days a man called in asking for...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
July 20th, 2023
When I read this passage I am reminded how much this world is trying to force its belief system, its reality down our throats at almost every turn. We are told that we must accept everyone else based ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
July 7th, 2023
July is when we celebrate our nation’s birthday, our independence. We make quite a big deal about independence, and liberty and freedom in this country, especially in July. But why is that? Why do we ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
June 21st, 2023
Here in Micah, just prior to this verse the prophet is crying out a question. How can I please the Lord? He asks if it requires thousands of rams, or rivers of oil, or his firstborn for the sins of hi...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
June 6th, 2023
Today I turned forty. I don’t really feel forty but alas, here we are, four decades of life and almost all of them as a follower of Christ. I can look back and see plenty of examples of God’s faithful...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
May 23rd, 2023
I was part of a seminar about immorality in the ministry, specifically how to prevent immorality, not how to be immoral. It is a poignant reminder of how easy it is to fall into the trap of sin, even ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
May 9th, 2023
Have you ever felt timid or shy about your faith with others? Have you ever thought that others might think what you believe and stand for is weird, odd, or silly. I know as a kid I often had these th...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
April 26th, 2023
The world is doing a great job these days of watering down the gospel and the message of Jesus Christ. In its constant quest for tolerance it is constantly pushing that love and acceptance are the onl...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
April 12th, 2023
We just finished celebrating Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the very foundation of our faith! Praise God that He is risen, He is risen indeed! And in light of that momentous event I thought...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
March 29th, 2023
As I opened my Bible app this morning, this was the verse that was waiting for me, which I found very appropriate as we are still in the middle of “40 Days for Life” praying for the end of abortion. O...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
March 15th, 2023
I read the passage above as the “verse of the day” on my Bible app after returning from standing and praying in front of Planned Parenthood for the lives of the unborn. The passage immediately jumped ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
February 28th, 2023
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” That was the rhyme that we as kids always said when others would make fun of us. But the truth is words do hurt, words are damaging...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
February 16th, 2023
When was the last time you were happy to be going through something really tough? Maybe it was a loved one that was dying, or maybe you yourself are going through a really hard medical issue that test...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
February 1st, 2023
It’s Wednesday as I write this and I am struck by the fact that by the middle of the week it is so easy to get bogged down in the reality of everyday life and to lose sight of the bigger picture of Go...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
January 4th, 2023
We have just begun a brand new year and with it come a lot of hopes and fears. We often wonder what changes we will see, what will we face as a family, a church, a nation, and as christians. Will 2023...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
November 23rd, 2022
This week many are preparing for Thanksgiving, the overshadowed holiday. I call it that because you may have noticed in the last several years that Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier to the ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
November 9th, 2022
At the time of writing this we had just wrapped up our Glow Outreach and both our Maple and Palm sites. For those that don’t know, Glow is a carnival style outreach event on Halloween in which we invi...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
October 26th, 2022
As some of you may know, I have been facilitating a class here at Campus Bible Church for a number of years now called Financial Peace University. It’s a nine week course by Dave Ramsey to help people...  Read More
by Michael Bergman
Daily Devotional
October 12th, 2022
The other night I was approached by a young man in the Church parking lot who was passing by. He said he knows in his heart that God exists but was struggling attending a particular church that was ma...  Read More
by Michael Bergman