Daily Devotional

“Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 8:1

In a recent sermon I talked about the importance of recognizing the difference between conviction and condemnation.  There are two mistakes we can make in our Christian life – being too hard on ourselves, or being too easy on ourselves.  To avoid falling into the trap of either extreme, we must understand the nature of conviction and condemnation.

Read this list slowly and thoughtfully, and answer the questions at the end.

Conviction is from God.  Condemnation is from Satan.

Conviction flows from love.  Condemnation springs from hate.

Conviction is helpful.  Condemnation is hurtful.

Conviction is positive.  Condemnation is negative.

Conviction is usually clear.  Condemnation is usually vague.

Conviction rests on facts.  Condemnation relies on feelings.

Conviction is motivating.  Condemnation is paralyzing.

Conviction prompts us to confess.  Condemnation pressures us to hide.

Conviction draws us closer to God.  Condemnation drives us deeper into sin.

Conviction leads to repentance.  Condemnation leads to shame.

Conviction makes us feel bad about what we did.  Condemnation makes us feel bad about who we are.

Conviction reminds us of the gospel.  Condemnation reminds us of our failures.

Conviction points to the future.  Condemnation dwells on the past.

Conviction should be received.  Condemnation should be rejected.

Conviction produces victory.  Condemnation produces defeat.

Which is the greatest temptation for you personally – being too hard on yourself, or being too easy on yourself?  Which items in this list do you relate to the most?
Remember, conviction is God’s way of getting our attention when we go astray.  It’s his way of gently correcting and disciplining us, because we are his children and he loves us. Condemnation is the Accuser’s tool for keeping people in bondage.  Can you tell the difference?
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation