Daily Devotional

Here is a New Year’s blessing, for you:
"God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us— Selah.
That Your way may be known on the earth,
Your salvation among all nations."
 Psalm 67:1-2

If your upcoming year is to be wonderful, and it can be, it will be on the terms declared in these verses.
  • God be gracious to you
  • God bless you
  • God cause His face to shine upon you

It will not be a particularly wonderful year because of your resolutions and will power.  We’ve all be through that!  Little ever gets accomplished that way.
But there is a realm not based on your determination or efforts or good living.  A wonderful year will be established by the same faith which saved you, even as Abraham: “The he believed in the Lord; and He reckoned to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:8)

What if you believed God every day this year for the following?
  • God be gracious to you
  • God bless you
  • God cause His face to shine on you

The righteousness of your life won’t make it happen.  The imperfections of your life will not keep it from happening.  Why?  Because it is God’s favor!  He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities (Psalm 103:10).

This favor we received at our new birth in Christ.  This favor we walk in day by day.  All this by faith.  The outcome?
  • God be gracious to you
  • God bless you
  • God cause His face to shine on you

The outcome will be more than just for you.  The product of your joyous union and walk with Christ will be as verse 2 describes.
  • That His way may be known on the earth
  • That His salvation would be known among all nations

So receive your blessing today.  Meditate on it, and let it enter your soul.  This favorable union you have with Christ will be enough for everything that will come your way.  The Lord’s lovingkindnesses never cease, His compassions never fail, they are new every morning! (Lam. 3:22-23)