Daily Devotional

Written below is a prayer that I wrote several years ago.  I return to it often when I am feeling weak or discouraged, which is far more often than I care to admit.  It reminds me of the things that are most true in life and helps me cast my cares on the One who cares for me.  I share it in the hope that it will bring comfort to your soul, as it has mine.  Perhaps you have a paragraph of your own to add to the prayer, and you can share it with me.
In Christ, Pastor Kenton 
My God, you are my Creator!  Therefore, I owe my entire life to you.  I was created by you and for you.  I exist for your pleasure, and my highest purpose is to worship and enjoy you forever.  (Col 1:16)

My God, you are Preeminent!  Therefore, you deserve first place in my heart, my life, and my affections.  You are incomparably glorious - the focus of the whole universe.  Therefore, when I am focused on myself and my problems, I will remember that “it’s not about me… it’s all about you.” (Col 1:18)

My God, you are my Father!  Therefore, I will remember my true identity - I am a son of the Most High God.  You delight to say to me, “This is my Beloved son, in whom I am well-pleased.”  I will walk in the confidence of knowing that I am your Beloved.  (Mt 3:17)

My God, you are Loving!  Therefore, I know that I am unconditionally loved and accepted no matter how well I perform.  You can’t possibly love me any more than you do right now, and you will never love me any less.  Because Jesus died for me, I have the value of Christ.   His righteousness is my worthiness.  I will remember: “When God sees me, he sees Jesus.”

My God, you are Trustworthy!  Therefore, I never have to be afraid because you are always with me and for me.  You will never leave me or forsake me, and you have never let me down.  You are sufficient to handle all my problems, trials, and temptations, and I trust you.  I believe that you will not withhold any good thing if I walk uprightly, and you reward me when I seek you diligently.  (Ps 84:11; Heb 11:6)

My God, you are Sovereign!  Therefore, I know that you are in control of all things, and you are working all things together for my good.  When I am trying to carry heavy loads that don’t belong to me, I will remind myself that I am not in control.  I trust that you will lead me and guide me today and show me your perfect will.  (Prov 16:3, 9)

My God, you are All-Powerful!  Therefore, I believe you will give me the strength to handle everything that comes my way today.  Lord, you are my strength.  I trust that nothing is impossible for you, no obstacle is too great, no opposition too strong.  (Phil 4:13; Ps 46:1; Isa 40:29-31)

My God, you are my Savior!  Therefore, I believe that you will save me to the uttermost.  You have saved me from the punishment of sin.  You are saving me from the power of sin.  And soon you will save me from the presence of sin.  (Heb 7:25)
My God, you are Jehovah Rapha!  Therefore, I believe that you will heal my deepest hurts and satisfy my deepest needs - emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Great Physician, heal me, revive me, and restore me today.

My God, you are the Truth!  Therefore, I will meditate on your Word day and night.  I will read your Word daily.  I will saturate myself with Scripture and refresh my soul with the water of your Word.  I will listen to my thoughts and take every lie captive in obedience to Christ.  I will be transformed by the renewing of my mind.  I am a tree planted by rivers of water.  (Rom 12:1-2; 2Cor 10:4-5; Ps 1:2-3)

My God, you are Holy!  Therefore, you desire for me to be pure and uncompromising with the world.  I consecrate my eyes, my hands, my feet, my tongue, and my whole body to you today.  I delight in the beauty of your holiness.  I will walk in the power of your Spirit.

My God, you are Lord of Lords!  Therefore, you have the right to determine what I do today.  I am not in control.  I will listen to the voice of your Spirit and obey your holy commands. I will seek to do your will. Thank you that your commands are not burdensome.  (1 John 5:3)

My God, you are Wise!  Therefore, you will teach me how to live.  Grant me the wisdom to make good decisions, the words to speak your truth, and the skill to shepherd your people with boldness and confidence.  (Ex 4:11-12; Ps 78:72)

My God, you are Joyful!  Therefore, I will not live-in worry, stress, or fear.  I will watch for your blessings and be thankful!  I will live in the present and enjoy the moment.  I will enjoy my family and enjoy the riches of my inheritance in Christ.  I will find healthy ways to rest and not let ministry consume me.  (Neh 8:10)

My God, you are my Hope!  Therefore, I will not be discouraged or fearful as I watch the world decay around me.  I will not be overwhelmed by busyness, pressure, and responsibility.  I will be positive and hopeful, fixing my eyes on the good things you are doing in this world, looking forward to my home in heaven.
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