At every church there are unwritten core values
or principles that guide the ministry philosophy.

#1 - At Campus every member is a minister.

There is a principle called “the 80-20 principle”. This generally means that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. We strive for that to not be the case at Campus. Everyone is encouraged to get plugged into the ministry where they feel called.

#2 - Campus is an Elder-led, Staff-managed, People implemented Church.

The primary role of the senior pastor (Pastor/Teacher) is to teach doctrine (the whole counsel of God), train and equip the elders (shepherds), and manage the staff.

The Board of Elders (of which the Senior Pastor is a member) provides oversight and spiritual leadership of Campus.

The Church Staff manages their assigned ministries and to equip the people in the church for the work of ministry.

Deacons and deaconesses both serve as special project managers as assigned by the elders.

#3 - You mean something.

It is a goal at Campus that each person attending has a meaningful relationship with someone outside the Sunday morning worship services.

#4 - Campus believes that healthy churches are growing churches.

Therefore, we are more committed to church health than we are to church growth. We are committed to the Seven Marks of a Healthy Church as a measuring stick to determine spiritual health in the different areas of a believer in Christ’s life.

We strive to see this local church grow:
  • Closer through fellowship
  • Stronger through doctrine
  • More passionate through worship
  • Broader through service
  • Larger through evangelism
  • Deeper through discipleship
  • More effective through prayer

At Campus, we desire to be a teaching center committed to teaching the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).

We desire to submit to God’s Word as our authority over every area of life. We are called Campus not just because of our proximity to CSU Fresno, but also because Campus is a training center where God’s people are trained to go out and have an impact on their world.

#5 - Campus desires to be a global church that is kingdom-minded in its thinking and worldwide in its outreach.

A global church is a church that is ready to go and use the resources God has given to build up the body of Christ wherever the needs exist.

Campus also desires to be global by becoming an outreaching church presenting the gospel in a variety of ways to:
  • Family
  • Neighborhood
  • Work
  • Community
  • State
  • Country
  • World

#6 - Campus desires to be “a healing center where those who have been wounded can come and find a place to be fed and loved.”

We want to take the wounded and help them become wounded-healers, bringing the healing to others that they have received.

#7- Campus desires to be a worship center where worship is about “heart and not art.”

We have chosen to express our worshipping hearts through a wide range of worship arts.