Posts with the tag “pastor-jim-cecy”

Daily Devotional
July 15th, 2024
Karon and I have a 3,000-year-old bronze-age juglet from the time of King David. It was given to us by the grandson of the cobbler who first recognized the Dead Sea Scroll from a little Bedouin boy. Y...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
July 1st, 2024
Fresno Is My Present HomeIn my first eleven years in Toronto, Canada, we lived in several apartments in York Township. Over the rest of my life (with the exception of my Navy days), I lived in Califor...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 21st, 2024
I have been known to wake up with “a tude”—attitude! In Psalm 73, Asaph the Psalmist is complaining about unbelievers and how they seem to have everything going for them, while his life seems so full ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 17th, 2024
“Man overboard! Man overboard! This is not a drill.” I was around twenty years old when I first heard these words while on the way to “Yankee Station”—the place off the coast of Vietnam where we launc...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 3rd, 2024
I was a typically naïve, young sailor on his first training day on a ship at sea. I was ready for the salty crew to treat us with their typical disrespect. I stood back as one of my fellow newbies was...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 21st, 2024
I am a military veteran. A Navy veteran. A Vietnam War veteran.On November 17, 1971, the very day I left for home after serving on active naval service, I trusted in Jesus Christ alone for my salvatio...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 6th, 2024
I am not a farmer nor a rancher, so anything related to these subjects flies far above my thinking. Yet, the world in which Jesus walked was agricultural and agrarian. He spoke much about seeds, trees...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 23rd, 2024
Psalm 24:3–4 - “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn de...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 8th, 2024
I am Italian through and through. As such, it has been ingrained in me to greet anyone who crosses my path—on the street, in a store, and especially in the church gathering. It has been four years sin...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 25th, 2024
In the early years of my Christian life, my prayers had a ring of the “too familiar,” even bordering on being monotonous. In His Sermon on the Mount Jesus warned us about using many hollow words and v...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 11th, 2024
I was in the Chicago area, teaching a community-wide leadership conference. During one of the sessions, a distraught woman approached me and asked, “Dr. Cecy, can you recommend a book for me? My life ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 26th, 2024
God has a way of reminding me how human I am. I call them pastor-bloopers. Let me share one of many:It had been a very long day of travel home from the Philippines. I arrived at Los Angeles Airport, e...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 12th, 2024
My family has always known they have immediate access to me no how busy I am. When they were young my secretaries were told to inform me whenever they stepped into the office. No matter what I was doi...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
January 29th, 2024
I love the story of the man, walking by a blind man and noticing he had only a  few coins in his cup. He dropped in more coins and, without asking for permission, took the sign and re-wrote it. He ret...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
November 13th, 2023
As I reflect on these verses my mind rushes to a special memory of John Fischer, singing a song he wrote when we were both starting in the ministry. It is called the “All-Day Song.” Perhaps you rememb...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 30th, 2023
I was in the Chicago area, teaching a community-wide conference. During one of the sessions, a distraught woman approached me and asked, “Dr. Cecy, can you recommend a book for me? My life is falling ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 16th, 2023
In my travels I have visited several ancient ruins, including the Flavian Amphitheater in Rome, more commonly known as the Colosseum. During those ancient battles, the gladiators would sometimes fight...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 2nd, 2023
As I reflect on these verses my mind rushes to a special memory of John Fischer, singing a song he wrote when we were both starting in the ministry. It is called the All-Day Song. Perhaps you remember...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
September 28th, 2023
I was in the Chicago area, teaching a community-wide conference. During one of the sessions, a distraught woman approached me and asked, “Dr. Cecy, can you recommend a book for me? My life is falling ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
September 18th, 2023
 I once read, “He who smiles rather than rages is always stronger.” This became dramatically clear when, as a newlywed college student, I was working in the photo department of a popular drugstore.An ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
September 4th, 2023
We homeschooled two of our children through high school. I took the time to teach one of my daughters Greek, the language of the New Testament. She did very well her first semester, easily earning an ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
August 21st, 2023
I was blessed to have an apartment-dwelling mother who knew nothing about growing fruit and everything about enjoying it. So, it was not unusual for me, a week after her death, to plant an apple tree ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
August 7th, 2023
While serving in the U.S. Navy, I embarked on a nine-month WestPac (Western Pacific) Cruise, ultimately to Vietnam. There was one grueling stretch of time during which we did not see land for fifty-se...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
July 24th, 2023
I have a large aquarium next to where I sit every morning reading my bible and praying. Most of my grandkids have picked their favorite of the two dozen fish. Every morning, those little creatures com...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
July 10th, 2023
I started out not being prepared—for anything, especially emergencies—that is, until I got married and had a family. My family and I going through some tough times certainly got my attention. For exam...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 30th, 2023
As our girls were growing up, I enjoyed pretending to be the “king of my castle.” I would sit on my throne (i.e., my easy chair) and bark orders to my “subjects.” One day I shouted to my pre-teen daug...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 26th, 2023
I was raised in a California coastal community called Santa Cruz, a town that was nicknamed Surf City U.S.A. (along with Huntington Beach). I spent many of my days, body surfing at the river mouth of ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 12th, 2023
 Like many of my youthful peers, I had my share of visions of grandeur. I grew up wanting to become a famous this or a world-renowned that. Later in life, I met some people “at the top of the heap”—th...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 8th, 2023
June 8, 2023 is the 9th anniversary of our merge with Palm Avenue Community Church. Here is the story:Many years ago I became aware of a small local church in our area that was standing alone against ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
June 1st, 2023
It is not uncommon for loved ones to save boxes of some of the most seemingly worthless things:A tattered baby blanket with the smooth edges worn off.Hand-crafted greeting cards with silhouettes of to...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 26th, 2023
Even as a child I struggled with the question, “Why am I here?” I remember one “dark night of the soul” at the age of nine when I was afraid I was going to die. I wept before God: “Lord, what do you w...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 15th, 2023
There was a time in my life when I thought I was surrounded by death: My father died young, one of many in his family.I was in a war zone at the age of twenty.Four of our babies died in miscarriages.A...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
May 1st, 2023
One rainy night, when I was a teenager, I was alone on the night shift at a fast-food restaurant. A customer rushed in and asked to use our restroom. I politely informed him we were not permitted to a...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 17th, 2023
What do you call three brothers, three sisters, one half-sister and one half-brother—all with the same father? A brood? Blood relatives? The Cecy family! Here are some of my personal observations of g...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 11th, 2023
As a young believer I was intrigued with a plaque on a pastor’s wall. It was a rubber kitchen glove. The words below read: “Beware of phony Christians.” Soon after I hear this same pastor say, “Don’t ...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
April 3rd, 2023
This is my 72nd Easter celebration—my 32nd in Fresno. For many years we held sunrise services at Woodward Park in North Fresno. On some of those early morning services it was so cold that I could bare...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 20th, 2023
I am one of those people who, on most days, wakes up early without an alarm clock. But, then again, there are those days when I grumble, “Good Lord, it’s morning” rather than “Good morning, Lord.” I l...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
March 6th, 2023
My friend called to announce he was going to take me fishing. I reminded him that I am, in my opinion, the worst fisherman I know. He responded, “I know that, too but I’ve got you covered.” We drove t...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 20th, 2023
The high fever and convulsion came on quickly. In the emergency room I was admitted quickly and soon was in a room being cared for by a host of nurses and technicians. I was to learn that I had become...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
February 6th, 2023
As you walk into my office at the church, you are immediately faced with what is obviously a former sailor’s décor. A ship’s bell hangs by the door. Models of masted ships sit on shelves around the ro...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy