Daily Devotional

Get Out of Bed!

“We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.  For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.” Colossians 1:28-29 (NIV) 

I am one of those people who, on most days, wakes up early without an alarm clock. But, then again, there are those days when I grumble, “Good Lord, it’s morning” rather than “Good morning, Lord.” I love the old story of the mother who called her son on Sunday morning to make sure he got out of bed and was ready for church.

“I’m not going,” he replied.  
“Yes, you are going, so get out of that bed!” his mother demanded.  
“Give me one good reason why I should go,” said her son.  
“I’ll give you three good reasons. One,  I’m your mother and I say you’re going. Two, you’re forty years old, so you’re old enough to know better. And three, you’re the pastor, so you need to be there!”              

I have been doing some kind of ministry for almost fifty years–as a teacher, ministry leader, pastor, counselor, professor and missionary. I wish I could tell you that every day has been a joy but I would be lying. Over the years I have observed that there are three kinds of people:  

• VNP = Very Needy People – which can be rightly said of all of us who need to be equipped.  

• VHP = Very Helpful People – who use their gifts and talents to help care for very needy people.

• VDP = Very Draining People – who do more taking than giving and are most demanding.            

In order to faithfully serve people from each of these groups I have needed to constantly remind myself of the words of the apostle Paul in Colossians 1:28-29:

• Today, I will keep proclaiming Christ as my central focus.
• Today, I will be willing to admonish (i.e., warn and confront) people.
• Today, I will work hard to teach the Word of God with wisdom.
• Today, I will strive to present people complete (i.e., mature) in Christ as a special offering to Him.
• Today, I will labor to lovingly serve all kinds of people, according to Christ’s power mightily working in me.  

Yes, it’s hard work but well worth it. It’s what gets me out of bed even without my mother as my alarm clock!
New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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