Advent Devotional

Isaiah 4:2

"In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel."

There will come a day when you and I will speak of the days before glory… the days before the King returned… the days before the Second Advent. But, for now we find ourselves caught in the middle of history’s two great events. We affectionately remember the humble First Coming of Jesus and we eagerly await the glorious Second Coming of Jesus when He shall appear in the sky, coming with the clouds in full glory and splendor. Oh, how beautiful that Day will be!

During this season of Advent, consider in the privacy of your heart: “Is Jesus beautiful and glorious to me?” Tell me, dear saint, does He stir the affections of your soul?

For Reflection & Discussion: Is your faith grounded in the grace Christ purchased in His First Advent? Is your faith anticipating the grace to be revealed with Christ in His Second Advent?

Prayer: Father in heaven, the beloved son whom you sent, in whom we share an inheritance with, help us to honor him and give thanks to him as Redeemer and King. We are more sinful than we think we are and you are holier and more merciful than we can imagine, thank you for such grace and mercy in sending your beloved Son.  Amen.
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